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What’s a good GMAT score?

What’s a good GMAT score?

Very common question I’m asked is, ‘what is a good GMAT score?’ Well, a good GMAT score is the average of the school that you’re applying to. The school says, our average is a 720. They post that. They take the time to put that on their website. They’re expecting that you’ll have a 720. They also post the 80% range, and many people come to me and say, but I’m at the very low end of that 80% range. That’s okay, and I’ve definitely worked with clients who have very sub-average GMAT scores and gotten into top schools, but if you’re going to be at the end of that range, you need to have a serious x-factor that the school is looking for. For most of you, it’s about hitting the average and doing whatever it takes to get there: tutoring, self-study, setting aside time every day, preferably in the morning where you can really dedicate yourself to this exam. I know it’s not fun, but I would retake it until you’ve gotten the average of that school.